

Welcome to the distribution and retail phase of our food system for our tomato, or when we buy it in the store! In this video, Chef Katherine outlines what to look for when buying tomatoes, how to store them, and a few different ways to enjoy them too.

Field tomatoes can be found in Ontario from mid-summer to fall, but greenhouses allow us to enjoy Ontario-grown produce for most of the year.

There are many different types, flavours, shapes, and sizes of tomatoes available in Ontario. Try a bunch and find your favourite!


Buying local in four easy steps

  1. Look for the Foodland Ontario logo when shopping at your grocery store, farmers' market, and on-farm market

  2. Visit local farms with your family and talk to them about the difference they make when you buy local

  3. Serve freshness every day, with delicious recipes featuring local ingredients

  4. Ask for local at restaurants and everywhere you buy food

Foodland Ontario Kids’ corner

For energy to play all day, fuel up with wholesome Ontario foods. Now, about that food, how much do you know about it? Click on the picture below and soon you’ll know your scallions from your shiitakes!

Foodland Ontario Availability guide

See when Ontario fruits and vegetables are in season.

Foodland Ontario Nutrition guide

Vegetable Serving Calories Carbohydrates
Dietary fibre
A source of Ontario availability
125 mL raw 17 4 2 Vitamin C, Folate July to October
Tomatoes (greenhouse) 125 mL raw 17 4 2 Vitamin C, Folate February to December

For more agri-food programs, resources, and education, connect with the following organizations to learn more!